Club de amigos

It is a recreational activity for children aged 4 to 11 who have learning and/or socialization difficulties. It is designed to be a therapeutic environment for playing and sharing joyful times.

Children get to practice their social skills while playing under the observation of a therapist from the Fundación Querer’s interdisciplinary team.

The therapist’s role in free play is to ensure that enjoyment is shared, that turn-taking is respected, and that decisions are shared. He improves psychomotor skills, independence, and interpersonal interaction.

This activity is held twice a month, every other Friday in the afternoon from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Fundación Querer premises.

What are the advantages for the children?

  • To meet other girls and boys who share similar traits and interests.

  • To meet new people and exchange interests on weekends.

  • To gain autonomy in activities other than academics

  • To learn to form relationships outside of the nuclear family
  • To boost emotional health and self-esteem

  • To enjoy sharing enjoyable activities

  • To make decisions and get agreements with friends on planning

  • To enhance social skills

Other advantages

  • Families learn about new enjoyable resources for their children.

  • Families can devote more attention to their other children or to themselves.

  • Families form networks with one another in order to share experiences.

Fill out the form below to join our “Club de Amigos” and we’ll get back to you with all the details.

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